How to play?

Simply click  all of those wiggly papers to proceed to the next room! 

Try to get  a high score then check your rank in the Global Leaderboards!

Shader Magic and Vector Voodoo

For this game jam, I wanted to learn more about Shaders in Godot. After watching some tutorials, I kind of grasp the basics but will still need more practice ( a lot more..). Following the tutorials though, I was easily able to implement the dissolving and distortion effect and was also easily able to manipulate the vertices of the paper texture to make it look like it's wiggling without the need to animate.  

I also did a lot of learning and practice using vectors. I primarily used vector textures to quickly add detail to my assets. Best thing is I was able to easily scale up/down my assets without losing quality and re-use for other areas!

Lastly, to my surprise, I was able to very quickly implement a Global Leaderboard all thanks to a third party addon!


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Simple but compelling! I got to Room 70 and had to stop, but curious if there is an end? Presumably not otherwise there could be a theoretical maximum high score

I liked the diagetic use of the light dimming as well as the background music sting coming in to indicate the player was running out of time, added to the stress! I did notice that it seems like the hitboxes aren't quite lined up with the shader distortion but that would presumably be a little tricky to implement. 

I liked that the papers taking some time to burn introduced a strategy of trying to hit papers that are under other papers, to avoid the top papers blocking those underneath them as they burned away.

Good work mate, hopefully someone can challenge the high score! :)

Thanks heaps for the detailed review and analysis! 

There is indeed an end (which is room 100). Also, the score is affected based on how fast you can clear the room as well as how many clicks you do (basically each click reduces score a little bit). That high score is going to be hard to beat though, I would probably break my finger trying lol


Ah, that's a cool system for scoring! All those years of playing Dust2 finally coming into use haha :D